Rubyfication of Raise Manager

I spent a couple of hours transforming the RaiseMan application from Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (2nd Edition). In the RubyCocoa examples folder, there is a version of this but it is based on the first edition of the book. My version includes key-value-binding, undo and redo and also alert panels. I also implemented some of the end-of-chapter exercises that I felt were useful. I skipped the part on Localization though.

Rereading the book makes me think of how much I do not like it. There is very little rationale behind each of the examples. Most of the time, the author just says do this or that. And his anecdotes are pretty annoying (I am not sure where he got his stories from). I felt that the book could have been better if the author spent more time explaining why things are done that way instead of listing the API and describing what it does (it's almost identical to the documentation).

Things actually made more sense to me this time around because I was exposed to some design patterns and could see the rationale behind the way of doing things. I am not sure if a beginning programmer would appreciate the way of doings things just from reading this book. I have heard better things about Cocoa Programming but that book is old and has not been updated. I have not read that book yet so I cannot offer my opinions on it.

Anyway, here are somethings I learned from this effort that may be useful to people:

One problem that I had was that I was not able to build it for release. I had to build it for debug. I think there could be something wrong with the way the project is setup. Anyway, the file is available from here.

Update: I just installed RubyCocoa 0.9 from Subversion. Instructions can be found here. I can now successfully built it as a universal binary. The next test I did was to run this RaiseManager application. I was greeted by a successful build... but the application could not create new employees. The error logs report that there is something wrong with the NSUndoManager but I suspect that it has something to do with key-bindings since there is supposed to be some change to how that is done in RubyCocoa 0.9. I will have to take a look at that. On the bright side, RubyCocoa is approaching the 1.0 mark after so many years!

Update (Jan 3, 2007): The latest version from the Subversion repository has addressed the issues that I reported above. The current working version (revision 1325) was checked in today by Laurent. Suffice to say that there are major additions from RubyCocoa 0.5 that are worth checking out. It would be good to see how RubyCocoa plays with the new Objective-C 2.0 that is included with Leopard. On a side-note, there is a new Ruby/Objective-C bridge out by Tim Burks here.

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